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Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Assigned Task

‘A Study on communication skills among IKM Jasin students in ESL classroom’

[Aimee Bt Yusoff Hilmy – 2013725413 ]

Research Objectives
Research Questions
Research Methodology
1) To determine the level of communication skills among IKM students.
What is the level of communication skills among IKM Jasin students in ESL classroom?
Research Approach: 
Qualitative Approach
Research Design:  
Survey: This is a survey research design that focuses on the cross sectional survey because it collects data on IKM Jasin students’ level of communication skills, in which it collects data from a predetermined population. It will be highlighting on the students’ communication skills in terms of their confidence in communicating in ESL classroom.

Research Instruments:
1. Interview Protocol

Data Analysis:
1. Interview- It will be analyzing using content analysis which is a technique that the researchers observe through human behavior in an indirect way and analyze their communications from their responses. The researcher will transcribe the interview questions and responses for the data analysis.
2) To identify the factors that affects the communication skills among IKM students.
What are the factors that affect the communication skills among IKM Jasin students in ESL classroom?
Research Approach:
Qualitative Approach

Research Design:
Survey – This question will be focusing on the longitudinal survey. The design that will be used in this survey is a panel study. In a panel study, it will be surveys on the same sample of individuals at different times during the process of collecting data.

Research Instruments:

Data Analysis:
It will be analyzing using content analysis which is a technique that the researchers observe through human behavior in an indirect way and analyze their communications from their responses.
3) To measure students improvement in terms of communication skills.
How does an IKM Jasin student improve their communication skills in ESL classroom? 
Research Approach:
Qualitative Approach

Research Design:
Survey – This question will be using a longitudinal design because it involves a fixed sample and is measured repeatedly through time.( panel study)

Research Instruments:

Data Analysis:
It will be analyzing using content analysis which is a technique that the researchers observe through human behavior in an indirect way and analyze their communications based from their responses.